- Improved NVS order handling in case of order not accepted and other rare and unusual responses
- Client summary label now optionally includes pet listing depending on whether the global configration flag
IncludePetsInSummaryLabel is set or not - System now automatically saves clinical notes when the current user is not a vet and the clinical note does not contain any content other than TX. This is primarily to improve work flow when pricing, then finalising and taking payment.
- An update weight right-click option has been added to the waiting, in consult & to pay status lists
- The operations and appointments screens are now synchronised so that they display the same date
- Exported clinical history can now exclude the pet alert field. If this option is required, then please contact Black Dog Software
- Facilities added for printing multiple address labels to sheets of labels as used in a standard printer
- Issues affecting the import of pdf files via the office and practice admininistration –> document import screen have been fixed. Additional options added to help identification of import target if a standard file-naming convention is used.
- The mail merge export facility from the reminder list screen now includes the client email address.
- PAYE/tax handling updated for the new tax year (2012-13).
- The calculation of VAT paid on accounts that are in credit has been identified as not being entirely satisfactory in some circumstances (but not actually wrong and self-correcting in any case whenever the balance returns to zero or in debit). This has been amended and additional overnight consistency checks put in place.
- Phone line integration facilities have been extended so that the system now supports a wider range of telephone exchanges. For further information please contact Black Dog Software.
- When processing payments, the input boxes for the amount paid by cash, cheque, etc. auto-complete to the current outstanding balance, although this behaviour can be supressed if necessary. There are now two modes available for the auto-completion: either to the balance as at present, or to the current invoice amount. The default mode is set via
global configuration but controls exist at the top right hand corner of the payment panel allowing the mode to be changed
manually before any figures are entered. - Improved feedback and subsequent handling of NVS out of stock information.
- A show on map facility has been added. This uses a postcode to display in a browser window a map showing the location of the postcode. To use on a client details screen right-click a client address and select the show on map option, or from the contacts list right-click a contact and again select the show on map option. By default the system uses Bing maps but it can alternatively be configured to use Google maps if preferred.
- A facility to open up email windows directly from Black Dog has (finally) been implemented. This is available from the client details screen (click button new email adjacent to the client email address) and from the contact details screen (click button email adjacent to the contact email address). Note by default this facility is not available as it relies on the existence of an email client (eg. Microsoft Outlook) on the host PC and thus has to be configured on a individual PC basis. Please contact Black Dog Software to have this enabled where appropriate.
- The background colour used for pet alerts on clinical history screens is now configurable via the global configuration value AlertBackColour; possible values are red, violet, orange, khaki, blue, yellow, green or gray.
- The text values of client and pet alerts can now be used when creating client letters such as consent forms. There are in fact two mechanisms available for achieving this: one inserts the text into the Black Dog creation screen allowing review and modificaton by the user before the document is created; the other inserts the text directly into the document. Please contact Black Dog software for further information.
- The order details screen now displays the total number of lines in the order and the number of lines currently showing.
- The system has to date always used the default Windows printer when printing standard documents eg. account statements, although it has been possible to specify a individual printer for invoices. Additional options are now available: the local configuration value DefaultPrinter controls the printer used for standard documents and can be set to WindowsDefault, PromptUser or to the name of a specific printer; the local configuration value InvoicePrinter can be set analogously; and there are also A5 variants for both.
For further information re. version numbers etc. see the earlier post.