- VAT is now being calculated on a per line rather than a per invoice basis. This means that the VAT included in an invoice may differ slightly than previously, even for the same goods and the same (gross) total price. Additionally the VAT rate applying to a drug can now be set to S (standard currently 17.5), R (reduced = 5%) or Z (ZERO = 0%). This can be done via the control in the bottom right-hand corner of the ordering & pricing tab of the drug details screen, for example if selling Hills Greyhound food then this can be ZERO rated. Invoices now print out with an additional column per line indicating the VAT rate (usually S). If an invoice contains goods with any rate other than S, then a VAT breakdown will be printed on the invoice detailing the total net, VAT and gross amounts charged for each rate applying. Alternatively the system can be configured to always print the VAT breakdown or always suppress it (the latter is believed to be contrary to HMRC requirements). Currently the VAT rate cannot be changed for service fees (but this will change).
- Configuration automatically added to handle new standard VAT rate applying from 4/1/2011
- When creating a new drug price, the system allows immediate creation of a generic thus removing the need to enter bogus supply information before continuing. If the description of a generic does not contain the word generic, then this is automatically appended. When pricing a generic the user is provided with more complete details (sale unit and price as well as description) ensuring that the correct variant is chosen.
Clinical notes can now be transferred from one pet to another – when viewing the clinical history screen, right-click the note to transfer and select option Transfer ...
This is to handle the scenario when a clinical note has been entered against the wrong pet.
Note the permission level required for this is set by default to be non-zero, and that a clinical note (comprising the first 20 or so characters) remains for the source pet indicating the transfer. - The system now allows the user (subject to appopriate permissions) to modify the pet for a finalised invoice item. This facility is disabled by default. Note insurance claim print-outs and electronic submissions do not indicate the associated pet for each invoice item included in the claim and so there is no need to use this facility to ensure consistency within an insurance claim.
- The edit panel for configuration table screens is now automatically scrolled when excessively large – this helps when adjusting configuration for tables with a large number of fields.
- An option Open takings period has been added to the right-click menu for client transactions allowing the user to easily open the cashing-up screen for takings period containing the transaction.
- It is now configurable whether or not a clinial note is automatically created by the system whenever a pet weight is updated via the pet details screen. The default behaviour remains that no note is created.
- The fields species, breed, colour, and insured appearing on the pet details screen can now be configured individually to allow arbitrary text entry – if the entered text does not match an existing option then a new option is automatically created . The default behaviour remains that the fields are constrained to match the existing options only.
- A new facility has been added allowing allocation of payments against individual invoice items. By default this facility is suppressed.
- When printing an account statement comprising non-allocated transactions only, the system no longer prompts to ask the user whether a saved copy is required, and instead checks the printed copy and client doc checkboxes to determine what output is required.
- Added option to allow printing of all associated invoices when printing the details of an insurance claim.
- Improved handling of the active pet – for any given client, the open invoice screen tracks the currently active pet and this is updated whenever a pet details or clinical history screen is displayed.
For further information re. version numbers etc. see the earlier post.