Version 1.11.3377 onwards

  • Support for Open Office extended to include spread sheet facilities – users
    can now opt to use either Microsoft Office or Open Office (the latter being free of charge).
    Note whilst it is suggested to keep to the same throughout a single site to ensure a consistent user experience, there is no actual technical need to do so.
  • Bug fix: if a client attempted to connect to the server before the server had completed its start up then this could cause the server to hang.
  • Support for minimum stock levels and stock control mode added to re-import facility for drugs.
  • Support added for PAYE tax year commencing 6/4/09. This includes the additional requirement to record earnings at the upper accrual point (UAP).
  • Now possible to export VAT details to a spreadsheet for multiple VAT periods (so this can be done
    for an entire accounting year).
  • Profit and loss report can now optionally include itemisation of all expenditure grouped by category and listed for each period covered by the report.

For further information re. version numbers etc. see the earlier post.