- Pet details now include a “passport” number
- System now allows clients to have multiple “default” email addresses – set the global configuration value “AllowMultipleClientDefaultEmails” to True to enable this option
- SMS screen actions now allow an alternative action if no valid SMS number (commencing 07) exists
- The “prompt payment discount” facilities (only for ex-vat b2b systems) have been updated in line with the latest HMRC requirements
- The “card surcharge” option now allows manual entry of the surcharge amount rather than automatic calculation
- Additional options now exist when printing drug labels. The control used to specify the dosage information now has check boxes to choose whether or not the species and/or batch number is printed on the label; a withdrawal period can be specified; and if required, an “unlicensed consent form” can be generated. These options can be set manually but the drug details screen also allow defaults to be set individually on a per drug basis.
For further information re. version numbers etc. see the earlier post.